5 And A Beagle

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Self Portrait Tuesday 

Picking up on an idea started by the multi-talented Kath at Red Current, here is my submission for a Self Portrait Tuesday - September's theme - body parts. I figure I'll participate for now, I can take pics of body parts without having to put an actual photograph of me. After all, this could be the hand of any 40 something woman who's hands spend too much time in dishwater because her dishwasher hasn't worked for the past decade.

A bit of knitting done on the weekend. Just take the previous photo of the scarf and add a few inches. Take the picture of the tote and picture it now with holes for the straps and cast off the needles. And where was the knitting done? Why on the ferry of course. Yes, for $100 CDN you too can take a day trip to Vancouver Island. #3 came back on Thursday, oh how we missed him the whole four days we were apart. He had tickets to Oasis so he came back for the show and stayed the weekend. He filled up the van with another load of stuff and off we went for a whirlwind day.

The first time we took him over, we were surprised by the number of rabbits roaming around the campus. This time we spotted a family of deer grazing near the entrance.

Thumper and Bambi live on campus
(Wait a minute, that sounds like a bad title for a bad movie)

That should be it for knitting on the ferry for a while though. I'm going to have to find time somewhere else.



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