5 And A Beagle
"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Sun Run Sunday revisited
Each January, the dutiful organizer in our office recruits runners from the staff, and every year there are some that can't make it on race day. So here are my last minute recruits - #4, her friend L, and #5 and her friend K.
Because #4 runs regularly, I gave her my timing chip thinking that she'd have a better running time than me, who hasn't prepared for the run AT ALL. I should have remembered the last time #4 and L went in the Sun Run.
We make our way to the start line - waaaayy out there where the white banner is and I manage to run the first kilometer (most definately aided by the fact that it is 90% downhill). #4 and L are ahead of me, ponytails bobbing with each stride. Good, I think to myself, I can stop running without too much guilt because the girls will keep going.
But wait, who's this strolling to the water station? How can it be? I've been walking for the last 1/2 km, they should be way ahead of me. But no, they've been walking even slower than me!
Ahhh, the halfway point. I've already stopped for one bathroom break, one photo opp of the English Bay Inukshukand one quick phone call home. I was pretty sure the two older girls had picked their pace back up and would surely have passed me. I jogged a few more downhill patches and made my way across the Cambie bridge for the homestretch to the finish.
About an hour and a quarter after I started the run, I crossed the finish line and called L to see if they were already in the stadium. Imagine my surprise when she told me they were just coming up to 9km. What?!?
I waited for them at the finish line and at one point someone behind me chuckled and said "Did you see those two? Strolling across with their Frappacinos!" I thought for sure it was #4 and L, but no, it was to be another 20 minutes before they crossed.
Twenty minutes slower than her much older mother.
As for #5 and K - well lets just say they really took their time. Although just what their time was, we'll never know because they both lost the timing chips from their runners. No big deal for them, but an $80 deposit fee for me!
I figured not only would I save the cost of registering the girls by letting them fill in on the company paid spots, I'd let speedy # 4 take my timing chip so that I could register a decent time because I was too busy (lazy) to train. Ahhh the best-laid plans... now I'm likely out of pocket $80 for the timing chips and I'll have to come in to work tomorrow and and say "No, no really. It wasn't me that took almost two hours to complete the run, really, it was my 17 year old daughter!" All the while trying not to grimace in pain as I drag my sore a** old body around the office.
Lessons learned - always do at least a little advance preparation and.... TIE ALL THE TIMING CHIPS TO MY RUNNERS!
Ah well, it was a beautifully sunny day and there were bagels and oranges at the finish line. Things could always be worse.
Labels: Sun Run