5 And A Beagle

"Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." John Lennon

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Knitting for Baby 

What's the first thought that pops into your head when your 21 year old son calls you up in the middle of the day and starts the conversation off with.....

"So, B (his girlfriend) just called. She just left her doctor's office."


Dear God in heaven, if this kid is about to tell me what, at this moment in time, I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR, I'll scream! Right here, right now! I tried to keep breathing, not wanting to jump to conclusions, waiting for what seemed forever for him to continue with the information he wanted to share with me.

"Okay, she just left her doctor's office and she found a note on the windshield. It said someone witnessed someone else hit the car and the witness left their phone number as well as the license number of the car that hit it."

Well.....imagine my relief!

Zoe Mellor Bee Booties and a baby blanket in the Honeycomb pattern for a cousin's baby shower last weekend.

It will be a few years at least a decade before I'll be knitting any baby things for my own children's children.



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